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Welcome to


  Christian            Assembly

Welcome to Valley Christian Assembly's website. The pastoral staff and congregation are excited that you are looking into knowing more about our church. We are back to doing in-person services on Sunday mornings at 10:30am. Our Bible Study and Prayer ministry are still online; check details below. Essentials: "Milk, Bread, Jelly, and Jesus" ministry is continuing on the 2nd Saturday at 11:00am.

Sermons can be found at: Facebook here or Youtube here.

Bible Study and Prayer meetings are held through Zoom. If you would like to be a part of these ministry opportunities, send an email to Please include your name and list which meetings you want to be involved.
     ~ Prayer is Wednesday at 6:30pm.
     ~ Bible Study is Sunday at 6:00pm.

A place to know

a place to grow

a place to go

Mission Statement: Connecting people with Jesus Christ and empowering them to connect others to Jesus Christ.


We here at Valley Christian Assembly hope you will take some of your time to explore this site and get to know us at VCA better. VCA is a church that wants all people to KNOW God intimately and to also find our Identity in that knowledge of Him. To GROW in relationship with not only HIM but also each other, and a place that challenges you to GO and share the gospel whether it is in your home, work place or the community you live in.  2/3's of GOD is GO!!!



We are always up to something here at VCA.  Our Events and Calendar page is the best way to stay up to date and connected to all God is doing here at Valley Christian Assembly!

Essentials is still on the 2nd Saturday at 11:00am.

“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.” 

Proverbs 19:17

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1703 Bigley Ave 

Charleston, WV 25302


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